Thursday 19 November 2015

A healthier and better you!

I will be bringing you weekly updates via my blog, which hopefully you all will enjoy.

The topic for this week that I been many times asked over the years is, "Do I need supplementation in my diet?"
But before we look at this I would like to raise a few issues...
In this modern age it's no surprise that more and more people are getting sick due to weaker immune systems thanks to fast living and fast food everywhere.

We have become a nation glued to our phones or tablets using social media, and partying/drinking alcohol regularly. Because of this we don't always get the recommend amount of sleep per night, and this of course brings more stress to our bodies. As a result, many people would say I don't have the time for exercise or to maintain a balanced diet. The pace and stresses of daily life can make it difficult for many of us meet all our nutritional needs. Most people would only make time when they get sick. I always say why not start now, prevent  sickness, and have a healthy future.

"If you eat a well-balanced diet and take regular exercise, you do not need supplements"

This is a valid statement, but might not be an adequate recommendation for all people of all ages considering the differing nutritional and health needs. For many people, food supplements can provide nutritional support to meet the needs of their lifestyle. 

To get the best out of your body try these four simple steps: 1) Maintain good nutrition with a balanced diet 2) exercise regularly, 3) ensure you get adequate rest, and 4) maintain a positive attitude.

If you would like to know if your body meets all of your nutritional requirements, contact me for a free evaluation. Time for change!

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